Welcome to the FCC Exchange FCC Exchange was registered in London, UK in 2024. The company full name is: FUTCORECOIN EXCHANGE LTD. It is a global digital asset financial service platform. Its founding team consists of senior financial technology professionals from the UK and Singapore.

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Currency Price Rise and fall
BTC/USDT 104277.43 +0.32%
ETH/USDT 3289.92 -0.14%
EOS/USDT 0.8218 -0.76%
DOGE/USDT 0.361097 -4.89%
BCH/USDT 440.06 -0.04%
LTC/USDT 115.12 -4.04%
IOTA/USDT 0.3295 +0.58%
FIL/USDT 5.0823 -1.02%
FLOW/USDT 0.7067 +0.03%
JST/USDT 0.039332 +4.11%
ORDI/USDT 20.5048 +3.51%
ETC/USDT 26.6877 +0.43%
TRX/USDT 0.253870 +5.32%
ADA/USDT 0.990916 -0.29%
DOT/USDT 6.5269 -0.52%
BNB/USDT 695.39 +1.15%
SOL/USDT 261.88 +8.77%
BETH/USDT 3290.75 +0.38%
MKR/USDT 1271.25 -0.62%
AAVE/USDT 356.64 -0.16%
GNO/USDT 232.4129 -0.51%
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